Nails Of The Day!: Wedding Reception

Hey Hey! 😀

Me and my Sweet One were invited to our first formal event and seeing as how I am not particularly dress-y and not of the same background I really had to think bout what to wear and that included having my nails match my outfit 😀

wedding reception nails

I used Wah London Nails Woad and Go Matte Effect as the base colour


I used My Little Pony’s China Glaze Let Your Twilight Sparkle as a top coat. Please click the link below to see the review:

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X x x

Nails Of The Day: Shiny

Hi Hi! 😀

Its so shiny!nails of the day shiny

I used OPI Hello Kitty My Pal Joey. Please click the link to see review:


I used Essence Holo Rainbow Holo Maniac. Please click the link to see review:

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Nails of the Day: Blue Grey

Hi Hi! 😀

I randomly decided to paint my nails and this is the result.

I used Rita Ora’s Rimmel Girl in Grey,

Essence Holo Rainbow Holo Maniac (please click the link-

and B. B. Quick Mermaid (please click the link-

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Nails of the Day!: Green Ladybird

Hi Hi!:D

I felt like a while since I did some nail-y stuff so here it is 😀green lady bird nails

green lady bird nails
green lady bird nails

I used Rimmel 60secs Super Shine Loosey Goosey Dancin’ as the base colour and I polka dotted using Rita Ora’s Rimmel Girl in Grey and then I polka dotted half on top using My Little Pony’s China Glaze Let Your Twilight Sparkle

Please click link for review:

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Nails Of The Day: Wicked Nails

Hi Hi! 😀

Well I went to the theatre to see Wicked and I didn’t have time to do a proper fancy manicure before I was going but I had time to still make me look the part.wicked nails

I used Born Pretty Holo nail polish #33

Please click the link for the review:

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P.S Definitely go to the theatre and see Wicked I thought it was magic and the singing voices are amazing :D:D:D

Nails of The Day: So Blue!

Hi Hi! 😀

I used My Little Pony China Glaze Let your Twilight Sparkle on top .

Please click the link below for review:

and Hello Kitty OPI My Pal Joey for the base colour

Please click the link below for review Your Thoughts!:D

X x x

Nails of the Day: Etude House Dashing Diva Press On Nails- My First Set!!

diva nails Hi Hi! 😀


nailsI bought these quite along time ago but forgot bout them and lost them under the bed. Found them! So here they are.

These nails come with accent Flamingo and shell nails of assorted sixes but the majority of the nails are a bubble gum pink shade.

I managed to find some nails the best fit but there were some that didn’t fit all that well and I couldn’t find any that fit perfectly for all the nails, one or two were bit strange. The set comes with a instruction card a nail file and a cleansing wipe. All the nails have a plastic peel on the back of the nails so no glue is required. I followed the simple instructions and managed to apply all the nails.

left hand press on nails right hand press on nails

The nails were a lot longer then I originally thought but for some this maybe a more comfortable length or shorted then what they are used to. The nails seemed to be quite strongly attached and did not seem like there was any issue of them coming off. I do have an issue with the nails which is the photo below which may or may not be visible and that is the sticky part that is meant to be attached to the nail is slightly above the nails and so touching my hair or something fluffy ends up stuck on the inside of my nails. I’m not entirely sure if this is due to a mistake or the fact that I may have shorter nails naturally and so cutting them short may make them seem a lot more smaller then other peoples possibly which would mean they would stick out.

inside of press on nails

I had too much fluff stuck under my nails so ended up cutting the fake nails back a little bit. Kept them on a few hours had a shower, made food and generally went bout my day. These are really cute but I’m used to my natural nails so I don’t know if I will get these sort of nails again but it was an interesting experience and I did find I couldn’t use my phone properly or pick small objects without struggling so I think ill stick to my short nails for now.

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Nails of the Day!: Frosted Pink

Hi Hi! 😀

I decided on a nice little  pink manicure for today 😀

I used Selena Gomez’s Nicole by OPI Naturally as the base colour.

then I used Ruby Wing’s Cupcakes and Champagnes Sweet Cream on top and lastly I added a topcoat. I used Barry M’s Matte Topcoat

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